Went to see them again on Saturday at Proud in Camden and they put on another awesome performance. I couldn't find anywhere to buy tickets online but saw on Prouds facebook page who ran the page and I emailed him to ask him whats what and he gave me a person to email about putting my name down. To my surprise and excitement lol, when we (me and Sam) got there and quoted are names she said go through...o_O...I was expecting another area where we would pay, but for some reason we didn't have to pay so I was pretty darn happy about that (not that it would have been THAT expensive but its nice).
As most places do to take advantage of you they say get there MAD early to avoid queues which is fair enough, but generally its not really needed. They said get there before 8 and Chester French were on at 11 lol. My friend had gotten to Camden before me and he went to check out where the venue was and he ran into DA from Chester French and he told him ti was 11 so at least we had some sort of heads up but it was a lil to late by then lol. It was fun to hang out still, the venue was a strange one as it was a old horse stable, so it was pretty interesting inside.
At 10 a newish band call The Sunbirds played...they were actually pretty decent usually I don't pay much attentions to the warm up groups which is bad, but when I went to see The Kooks,
Mystery Jets were supporting them and they were phenomenal. You can check them out HERE.
Mystery Jets were supporting them and they were phenomenal. You can check them out HERE.

At 11 right on schedule Chester French came out to perform and same as last time they were soooo good. The band is just so sick, the guy on the keyboards is insane, he goes full on when he plays, even did some RANDOM lil dance where he nearly knocked everything over but it was all in fun.

Anywho, all in all good times once again...would defo recommend seeing them if they come down again...
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