Friday, 26 February 2010

Gym Day 55, 56 and 57 lol...

Day 55 worked back and biceps, this was last week so i dont remember well...

2 sets of upper back rows
5 sets of pulldowns
3 sets of seated rows
3 sets of single arm bent over rows
3 sets of lower back extenisons

2 sets of cable curls
3 sets of bicep curls followed by hammer curls
3 sets of machine curls
3 sets of high double bicep cable curls
2 sets of hammer curls

Day 56

2 sets of chest press
3 sets of incline dumbbell press, followed by incline flys
1 set of incline flys
3 sets of cable crossovers
3 sets of pec dec

3 sets of arnold press, followed by side raises
3 sets of shoulder press
3 sets of rear delt extensions

Day 57

5 sets of pulldowns
3 sets of seated rows
3 sets of dumbbell bent over rows
1 sets of upper back rows
3 sets of lower back extenisons

2 sets of cable curls
3 sets of dumbbell curls, followed by hammer curls
3 sets of double arm cable bicep curls
3 sets of concentration curls

3 sets of pushdowns
3 sets of kick backs
1 set of overhead tricep extensions