Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Gym Day 48 and 49...

Day 48 which was Monday the 1st of Feb I worked Chest and Shoulders...

Started with 5 sets of incline dumbbell press (2 warm ups)
3 sets of chest press
3 sets of pec dec
3 sets of cable crossovers

3 sets of lateral raises
3 sets of shoulder presses
3 sets of front raises

Day 49 was today, working Back and Legs

3 sets of pull ups
3 sets of pulldowns, max weight 84 kgs
3 sets of high rows, max weight 90 kgs
3 sets of low cable rows, max weigh 100 kgs
2 sets of seated rows, max weight 63 kgs

5 sets of squats, 40 kgs for 20 reps, 50 kgs for 15 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 80 kgs for 10 reps 100 kgs for 10 reps
3 sets of hamstring curls