Saturday, 31 July 2010

Gym Day 104...Shoulders and Biceps..


- 4 sets of barbell shoulder press, 20 kgs for 20 reps, 30 kgs for 10 reps, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 40 kgs for 6 reps followed by 20 kgs for 6 reps.
- 3 sets of lateral raises, 10 kgs for 10 reps.
- 2 sets of upright rows, 20 kgs for 10 reps.
- 2 sets of rear delt extensions, 56 kgs for 8 reps, 49 kgs for 8 reps.


- 1 sets of dumbbell curls, 10 kgs for 20 reps.
- 3 sets of ez-bar curls, 25 kgs for 10 reps, 35 kgs for 10 reps, 45 kgs for 4 reps followed by 25 kgs for 6 reps.
- 1 set of dumbbell curls, 22 kgs for 8 reps.
- 4 sets of high double cable bicep curls, 25 kgs for 10 reps, 30 kgs for 10 reps, 35 kgs for 8 reps, 35 kgs for 8 reps.
- 3 sets of preacher curls, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 8 reps, 60 kgs for 8 reps.

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Gym Day 102 and 103...

Wednesday works chest and triceps..did it at the gym at work, so NO bench press..booo..but dumbbell press was good.

- 2 warm up sets of chest press, 25-40 kgs for 15-20 rep.
- 4 sets of dumbbell bench press, 16 kg dumbbells for 10 reps, 30 kgs for 10 reps, 32 kgs or 10 reps, 34 kgs for 8 reps, followed by 22 kgs for 6 reps.
- 3 sets of dips, 10 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps.
- 2 sets of incline dumbbell bench press, 20 kgs for 10 reps, followed by 12 kgs flys for 6 reps, 24 kgs for 10 reps followed by 12 kg flys for 5 reps.

- 4 sets of pushdowns, 30 for 25 reps, 60 for 10 reps, 70 for 10 reps, 80 for 10 reps
- 3 sets of overhead rope extensions, 35 kgs for 10 reps, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 45 kgs for 7 reps.
- 1 set of machine tricep extenisons, 35 kgs for 10 reps.

Today worked back.

- 5 sets of pull ups, 13 reps, 10 reps, 6 reps, different grip 4 reps, 4 reps.
- 3 sets of low cable rows, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 45 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 6 reps, followed by 30 kgs for 6 reps.
- 3 sets of pulldowns, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 9 reps, 80 kgs for 6 reps, followed by 50 kgs for 6 reps.
- 1 set of machine rows, 60 kgs for 10 reps.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Inception Movie Review..spoiler free...

I went to see this yesterday and long story short..its FUCKING AWESOME. I saw no trailers for it, didn't know what it was about, all I knew is that it was supposed to be good. I prefer to go in blind then watch the trailers as they usually have major spoilers in them. it really pisses me off, especially when its a big film that they know people will watch regardless, why show big plots in the trailer?

Anywho I went to see it at the Vue in Westfields...WOW that cinema is huge and awesome, the sound system was killer and was the perfect setting to watch this as it has loads of big impactful moments and the sound just blew me away.

I will try not to spoil the film but its basically about these guys who extract information from people by going into the dreams and getting it. But the whole Inception part is a mission the team gets from a very powerful business man where they don't have to extract information, they have to plant information into someones head. So they have to convince them to do something, but have to make it seem like he came to that conclusion by himself. Leo has to get a team ready as he needs someone to build the dream world and people to help with the seeminly impossible mission.

But thats just one part of a huge thing going on in the film. Let me just say its VERY complicated, do not go and see this if you are tired as you wont get much out of it lol.

I don't think I can even reveal anymore as it would just spoile the awesomeness of it..defo go and see it. Its the best film i've seen this year, it stars Joseph Gordon Levitt who was in my fav film of 09..500 Days of summer, great actor. Alongside Leo and Ellen Page to name a few, the cast is fantastic. Action galore, plus it makes you think.

Here is the trailer..I personally wouldn't watch it if i was going to see the film, but here you go.

Rating: 9/10

Gym Day 101..Shoulders and Biceps...

so today, well yesterday I worked shoulders and biceps...planned on doing this Thursday or Friday but i pulled my calf on Wednesday at football training (FAIL) couldn't bring myself to hop down there.

- 2 sets of barbell shoulder press, 25 kgs for 20 reps (warm up)
- 3 sets of machine shoulder press, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 6 reps followed by 40 kgs for 5 reps.
- 3 sets of lateral raises, 10 kgs for 10 reps.
- 2 sets of machine rear delt extensions, 56 kgs for 10 reps, 63 kgs for 10 reps.

- 4 sets of concentration curls, 60 kgs for 8 reps, followed by 35 kgs for 5 reps, 50 kgs for 8 reps followed by 35 kgs for 5 reps, 45 ksg for 8 reps followed by 35 kgs for 4 reps.
- 3 sets of seated dumbbell curls, 17.5 kgs for 8 reps followed by 10 kg hammer curls for 6 reps, 16 kgs for 10 reps followed by 10 kg hammer curls for 5 reps.
- 1 last set of concentration curls, 25 kgs for 11 reps.

Weight 88 kilos.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

Jo’leon Davenue Performance @ WeSC Launch

My boy Jo'Leon killed it in this performance, as he usually does. Read about it HERE...

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

J.Cole - Who Dat...

J.Cole is the truth, after his two serious mixtape 'the Come up' and the Warm up' he's got this banging video. All shot in one take supposedly and they used the second take. When the band comes on it looks like a cut to me, but I will take there word for it.

Nicki minaj - Your Love

Good to see Nicki showcasing a bit of her singing on her (even though its autotune based) as she can actually sing, but so far she's only done so on her mixtape. Also good to see my boy MJai White in the vid, he's da man.

OH i forgot..she looks smoking HOT as usual..MY LORRDDD

Gym Day 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made it...

It took about year and a month to reach it..but I did it. Can't believe I've blogged all 100 workouts. As i said in Gym Day 1 *I think I will be blogging after every session to track my process (see how long that lasts)* it lasted over a year so bravo to myself lol.

To recap a year quickly, I started June 24th 2009, weighed 78 kilos and had 15 and a bit inch biceps. July 21st 2010 and i am 88 kilos and have just under 17 inch biceps..pretty happy with my progress on that front.

So my goal for Gym Day 200 which hopefully should come quicker then this time will be a ripped to shreds 90 kilos and 18 inch biceps.

Anywho todays workout..which was Back and Triceps...

- 2 sets of Wide grip chin ups, 10 reps
- 2 sets of narrow grip pull ups, 10 reps
- 4 sets of high seated rows, 90 kgs for 10 reps, 100 kgs for 10 reps, 110 kgs for 10 reps, 120 kgs for 7 reps
- 3 sets of wide grip pulldowns, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 77 kgs for 10 reps, 84 kgs for 6 reps, super set down on the last rep.
- 2 sets of narrow grip pulldowns, 63 kgs for 8-10 reps.

- 4 sets of pushdowns, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 75 kgs for 10 reps, 80 kgs for 6 reps, super set down on the last set.
- 3 sets of overhead rope extenisons, 40 kgs for 20 reps, 50 kgs for 12 reps, 60 kgs for 8 reps, super set down on the last set.

Lets see if i can keep this going for another 100 sessions.

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Gym Day 99..CHEST!!!!

- 5 sets of bench press, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 5 reps, 70 kgs for 5 kgs, 80 kgs for 5 reps.
- 4 sets of incline chest press, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 80 kgs for 6 reps.
- 3 sets of pec dec, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 77 kgs for 9 reps, 84 kgs for 8 reps.
- 2 sets of dips, 8-10 reps.

Tomorrow will be gym day 100, exciting times. Will be fun comparing my weight from then and gym day 1 a year or so ago.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Soulja Boy - Digital

Friday, 16 July 2010

Asher Roth – Seared Foie Gras w/ Quince & Cranberry (Mixtape)...

Don't know how I didn't know this was out...

It features from Pac Div, Talib Kweli, Blu, Truck North and more; there’s bound to be something for everyone to enjoy. To be honest though, I’ve given the tape quite a few spins already and Ash could’ve held it down on his own (well… the Boyder and Brain collabs were much needed haha)

Tracklist + Download link after the jump…

DOWNLOAD: - Asher Roth – Seared Foie Gras w/ Quince & Cranberry (Mixtape)...

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Gym Day 97-98...Back, Biceps and Shoulders...

Back was worked on Tuesday.

- 2 sets of wide grip pull ups, 8-10 reps.
- 2 sets of narrow grip pull ups, 8-10 reps.
- 4 sets of t-bar rows, 20 kgs for 15 reps, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 6 reps super set down.
- 3 sets of pulldowns, 63 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 84 kgs for 8 reps.

Today worked Shoulders and biceps.

- warmed up with 10 side laterals with 8kgs, 10 front raises with 8 kgs and 10 shoulder presses with 8 kgs.
- 1 set of shoulder press with 10 kgs for 10 reps.
- 4 sets of arnold press, 24 kgs for 10 reps, 26 kgs for 10 reps, 20 kgs for 10 reps, 20 kgs for 8 reps.
- 3 sets of side laterals, 10 kgs for 15 reps, 12.5 kgs for 10 reps, 14 kgs for 6 reps.
- 3 sets of cable front raises, not sure of the weight 8-10 reps.
- 3 sets of rear delt extensions, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 55 kgs for 10 reps, 65 kgs for 8 reps.

- 4 sets of dumbbell curls followed by hammers, 8 kgs for 12 reps, 24 kgs for 10 reps followed by 8 kgs hammers for 6 reps, 20 kgs for 8 reps followed by 14 kg hammers for 5 reps, 18 kgs followed by 14 kg hammers for 4 reps.
- 2 sets of cable curls, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 65 kgs for 10 reps.
- 3 sets of high double arm cable curls, 10 kgs for 10 reps, 12.5 kgs for 10 reps, 15 kgs for 8 reps.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Usher - There Goes My baby

This is where HIP HOP came from yo...

THIS IS HIP-HOP! from Airwave Ranger on Vimeo.

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously.

Big Sean - What U Doin (Bullshittin) first single...

This is G.O.O.D Music (Kanyes Label) artist's Big Seans's first single...dudes had 2 crazy mixtapes, Finally Famous: the Mixtape and U Know Big Sean. His official album Finally Famous is due out later this year and I am hyped for it already, especially as Eminem has confirmed he will be on it. Props to my by Joleon (@JOLEONDAVENU)for putting me on to big Sean.

Gym Day 96..chest and Triceps...

Today, well yesterday I worked chest and triceps...was TOTALLY not the workout I wanted to do but the gym was full of concession members on all the stuff I wanted to use. Nothing worse then wanting to use the bench and there are 5 guys working out together on one and on the other some freak doing unconventional stuff.

Anywho on to the workout...

- 8 sets of upper chest press, 20 kgs for 15 reps, 20 kgs for 15 reps, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 80 kgs for 10 reps, 85 kgs for 8 reps.
- 4 sets of pec dec, 49 kgs for 10 slow reps, 63 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 84 kgs for 8 reps.
- 3 sets of dips, 10-12 reps.

- 4 sets of machine tricep extensions, 25 kgs for 15, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 45 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 8 reps.
- 4 sets of pushdowns, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 80 kgs for 10 reps.

Sunday, 11 July 2010


Not much to say..its going on now..pretty good match, couldn't really have asked for a better final..although surprisingly I would like to have seen Germany in the final.

Twitter is on fire right now, nothing better then when there is a big event going on, Twitter is just super popular. Still pissed people haven't bothered to hop aboard the Twitter train yet.

Anywho back to the update lol, 12.33 in, Spain are looking the better side for sure. You can get the ball off them which mean you can't score. I think its gonna take a bit of magic from Robben or Van Persie for them to have a sniff. With Iniesta, xavi and Pedro running about anything can happen on Spains side.

Holland really are looking to cagey right for Van Persie..not surprised..dude really has a hot head.

4 yellow cards already, that mug Howard Webb is living up to his reputation. Although some were deserved, like Van Bommell who smashed a guy.

WOW big Boot to the chest there..WTF De Jong..Citeh scumbag.

Ok was actually considering doing a veryyyyy random live blog of my whole experience watching the world cup..but i failed to factor in that it will effect my viewing lol..I love me some multi-tasking but this is ridiculous..ok ashley signing off.

PS. got nooo idea why i am doing this right now lol.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

NEW lloyd banks - Love and Hate...

Gym Day 94 and 95...

On Wednesday worked Back and Biceps
- 4 sets of pulldowns, 35 kgs for 15 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 84 kgs for 10 reps, 91 kgs for 7 reps.
- 3 sets of high seated rows, 80 kgs for 10 reps, 90 kgs for 10 reps, 100 kgs for 10 reps.
- 3 sets of T-bar rows, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 40 kgs for 6 reps.
- 2 sets of chin ups, 6-10 reps

- 4 sets of preacher curls, 20 kgs for 15 reps, 40 kgs for 20 reps, 45 kgs for 10 reps, 50 kgs for 7 reps.
- 3 sets of dumbbell curls, 20 kgs for 10 reps, 22 kgs for 8 reps, 17.5 kgs for 8 reps.
- 1 set of barbell curls, 30 kgs for 10 full reps, 10 partial reps top to middle and 10 partial reps bottom to middle.

On Thursday worked Shoulders and did Cardio.

- 2 sets of machine shoulder press, 35 kgs for 15 reps.
- 1 set of standing dumbbell shoulder press, 20 kgs for 10 reps.
- 3 sets of arnold press, 20 kgs for 10 reps, 22 kgs for 10 reps, 22 kgs for 10 reps.
- 3 sets of lateral raises, 10 kgs for 10 reps, 12.5 kgs for 10 reps.
- 3 sets of front raises, 10 kgs for 10 reps.

- 3 sets of superset shrugs, 30 kg dumbbells for 10 reps followed by 16 kg for 15 reps.

15 minutes on the tredmilll

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Gym Day 93 Chest and Triceps...

- 5 sets of Upper Chest press, 30 kgs for 12 reps, 30 kgs for 14 reps, 50 kgs for 10 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 8 reps.
- 1 set of Bench Press, 60 kgs for 10 reps.
- 3 sets of Incline Dumbbell press, 20 kgs for 12 reps, 20 kgs for 12 reps, 22 kgs for 10 reps.
- 4 sets of Cable Crossovers, 25 kgs for 10 reps, 30 kgs for 10 reps, 35 kgs for 8 reps, 40 kgs for 6 reps.

- 4 sets of Pushdowns, 50 kgs for 15 reps, 60 kgs for 10 reps, 70 kgs for 10 reps, 80 kgs for 8 reps.
- 3 sets of dips, 10 reps each.
- 3 sets of Tricep Machine Extensions, 40 kgs for 10 reps, 40 kgs for 8 reps, 30 kgs for 10 reps.