Something I noticed recently is rappers stepping there game up. 2 people in particular that people either haven't heard of or haven't heard much of lately and thats...

Bow Wow

Both ironically from Young Money, so who knows, maybe they got Weezy and Drizzy writing for them. Or some of there skills have rubbed off on them from being around two guys who are at the top of the game right now, but they both have improved alot.
Tyga had a lil pop tune out a while ago called Coconut Juice which was ok, but it was never gonna set the world alight. Never thought much of the kid really, had an album out that hardly anyone took notice of. So I was browsing the hip hop blogs recently and came across his 'I Wanna Rock' freestyle and he was pretty 'nice'. Again, not saying he is the best around but he has improved alot.
For a few months now Bow Wow has been putting out lil youtube vids of tracks he has been doing, either freestlyes, or tracks for his mixtape and they have been pretty serious. Bow Wow used to have JD writing his rhymes, since changing that up he defo has improved. 2 days ago he did a 'All The Way Turnt Up' freestyle that was 'nice'.
Whether these 2 will do well album sales wise I don't know (doubt it in Tyga's case), but its good to see they have stepped up there game.
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