Decided to do a lil album review on some of the new/ old albums I have been listening to lately while bored at work...
Asher Roth - Asleep in the bread Aisle...
This was the album I was most looking forward to this year. Heard about Asher like 7-8 months ago, with his roc boys remix 'roth boyz' and I thought, this kids pretty nice. He then released his first mixtape the green house effect which was just fire, he spat over some crazy beats and I was just really excited for his proper album.
Anywho back to the actual album, its 12 songs deep and I love 9 of them, like 1 and 2 our just ok for me. Which to me means this is a dope ass album. My fav songs on the album are probably 'LA Di Da' (check the youtube vid below), 'She Don't Wanna Man' and 'His Dreams'. His dreams is such a big song, its Asher telling the story of how his dad wanted to be a star musician and he now sees what its like through his son's eyes...that's what I think its about anyways lol.
His flow is nice, he has some interesting subject matters, its not all about smashing college chicks and getting drunk. Some deeper songs in there also, like the 'His Dreams' song I mentioned. Peeps try and say he sounds like Em, to me he doesn't at all, he even has a song on there called 'As I Em' with Chester French in which he addresses all that business. Also having listened to Eminem's album, its so dark and gritty, they are nothing alike which is good.
Rating 8.5/10
Eminem - Relapse...
I am embarrassed to say but this is kind of the first Eminem album I have listened to all the way through. Which is strange as he is one of my fav's and I love his music. Basically back in secondary school times when his first albums came out, I didn't have the funds to buy them so only really heard them at my mate Adam's house. Back then I wasn't paying attention to much, I knew it was dope and he said some wild ish, but I never really gave them a good good listen.
So now comes Relapse, been looking forward to this since he did a lil relapse freestyle which was just crazy. The first single 'We Made You' was Em's classic jokey first single which is pretty good and the video is hilarious. I knew the album would be a bit dark as from interviews he had been speaking abotu how he had some serious drink and drug probs and had been to rehab, so the outlandish ish he is spitting isn't to surprising.
Fav songs on the album are probably 'Beautiful' which seems to be everyone's stand out track, 'Bagpipes from Bhagdad' and 'My Mom'. The last 2 mentioned are HILARIOUS..(if you didn't know caps, means its true)...Bagpipes is the song when he goes IN!!! on Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, calling her the C-word and everything. Then 'My Mom' is where he talks about how his mum fed him nothing but drugs when he grew up lol. Some crazy ish but said with a crazy delivery.
Relpase is part 1 of 2 albums he will be releasing this year, so far so good, I really like it, not his best album IMO, but still dope.
Rating 8/10
Thats it for now, I will do a couple more back to watching The Wire woop woop...
Asher Roth - Asleep in the bread Aisle...

This was the album I was most looking forward to this year. Heard about Asher like 7-8 months ago, with his roc boys remix 'roth boyz' and I thought, this kids pretty nice. He then released his first mixtape the green house effect which was just fire, he spat over some crazy beats and I was just really excited for his proper album.
Anywho back to the actual album, its 12 songs deep and I love 9 of them, like 1 and 2 our just ok for me. Which to me means this is a dope ass album. My fav songs on the album are probably 'LA Di Da' (check the youtube vid below), 'She Don't Wanna Man' and 'His Dreams'. His dreams is such a big song, its Asher telling the story of how his dad wanted to be a star musician and he now sees what its like through his son's eyes...that's what I think its about anyways lol.
His flow is nice, he has some interesting subject matters, its not all about smashing college chicks and getting drunk. Some deeper songs in there also, like the 'His Dreams' song I mentioned. Peeps try and say he sounds like Em, to me he doesn't at all, he even has a song on there called 'As I Em' with Chester French in which he addresses all that business. Also having listened to Eminem's album, its so dark and gritty, they are nothing alike which is good.
Rating 8.5/10
Eminem - Relapse...

So now comes Relapse, been looking forward to this since he did a lil relapse freestyle which was just crazy. The first single 'We Made You' was Em's classic jokey first single which is pretty good and the video is hilarious. I knew the album would be a bit dark as from interviews he had been speaking abotu how he had some serious drink and drug probs and had been to rehab, so the outlandish ish he is spitting isn't to surprising.
Fav songs on the album are probably 'Beautiful' which seems to be everyone's stand out track, 'Bagpipes from Bhagdad' and 'My Mom'. The last 2 mentioned are HILARIOUS..(if you didn't know caps, means its true)...Bagpipes is the song when he goes IN!!! on Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon, calling her the C-word and everything. Then 'My Mom' is where he talks about how his mum fed him nothing but drugs when he grew up lol. Some crazy ish but said with a crazy delivery.
Relpase is part 1 of 2 albums he will be releasing this year, so far so good, I really like it, not his best album IMO, but still dope.
Rating 8/10
Thats it for now, I will do a couple more back to watching The Wire woop woop...
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