So on Sunday I went to the Musiq Soulchild gig at the Indigo2 and it was freaking awesome. I was never a HUGE fan of his, for some reason his name annoyed me so when he first came out I wasn't interested. But song's off his last to albums like B.U.D.D.Y and Radio made me start feeling him *pause* and after the concert I am defo a fan and I plan on checking out his first 3 albums.
I had never been to the Indigo2 before and its a pretty sweet venue, the sound is good, you got a good view from most seats or if your standing.

Musiq had a all girl support band with him called Anna Mae and they were fn phenomal. My actual highlight of the show was mid way through when Musiq took a break and they all did solo's and introduced themselves. It was soooo impressive and I am so pissed I didn't record it and I havent managed to find anything on them online yet.
Anywho I would 100% recommend everyone go see Musiq if he comes back to the UK. He played a good and varied set, loads of slow jams, then when he comes in with something like Radio it just changes up and is sooo good. I thought he would be one of those sit on a chair performers but the dudes got a few moves still.
I managed to find one vid on youtube of someone who was right infront of him...
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